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Privacy Policy

Siarhei Pratasavitski, NIP 1133073168, REGON 523267617 (“Davooda” or “we”, “our”, “us”), being the owner and operator of, receives, collects, stores, and manages Customer’s personal data according to the following Privacy Policy. We take pride in treating our Customer’s privacy the way we would like to be treated ourselves. Under this Privacy Policy Davooda is the controller of Customer’s personal data.

By using the website (the “Website”), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies to the Services provided by Siarhei Pratasavitski, NIP 1133073168, REGON 523267617.

Our Contact Email Address is

Why do we process your data?

What data is being processed?

Data that you voluntarily provide us with:

You may provide us with your personal data in a number of ways, including, without limitation, when you sign up for and use the Services; have previously provided us with personal information prior to this Privacy Policy or last updates coming into effect; purchase any Visual Content or make any payment; subscribe to any alerts, information releases, news, newsletters, updates and media releases; complete and submit any forms to us; post any content on or through the Website; contact us directly in person or via any medium including but not limited to by mail, telephone, social media and commercial electronic messages; communicate with us for any matters and interact with or browse the Website generally.

Personal data that may be provided by you includes, but is not limited to:

By giving us this data, you consent to this data being collected, used, disclosed, transferred to Europe, and stored by us, as described in our Terms and this Privacy Policy.

Data that we collect automatically

We collect data from every visitor and customer of the Website, we automatically collect data about your visit to the Website, your usage of the Services and your website browsing activities. This anonymized information may include IP address, browser type, browser language, cookies data, performance specifications of the user’s hardware and software, date, and time of access to the Website and the URL of the page requested, other information about how you interacted with our Website and our Services.

Data from your use of the Services

We may receive data about how and when you use the Services, store it in log files or other types of files associated with your account, and link it to other information we collect about you. This data may include, for example, your IP address, time, date, browser used, and actions you have taken within the Website. This type of data helps us to improve our Services for both you and for all of our users.

Cookies and tracking

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Website owners use cookies to make their websites operate, improve functionality and user experience, as well as to provide reporting information.

We may set our own cookies and use third parties cookies (e.g. for advertising, interactive content and analytics).

We use different types of cookies, including:

You may opt out from cookies at any time by customizing your cookie preferences. However, in some cases we will not be able to provide you with all services.

By browsing and using our Website and Services, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies as stated in this Privacy Policy.

Web beacons and similar technologies

Apart from cookies, we use other similar technologies, like web beacons, to monitor traffic, deliver and communicate with cookies, and improve site performance. Similar to cookies you may opt out from web beacons at any time.

Data from third party sources

We may receive some information about you, such as name, email address, demographic information, IP address, location from third parties.

We collect information about your activity on our Website to enable us to:


You may decline to have your personal data collected via third party tracking technologies by navigating to the settings feature in your browser and declining all third party cookies or declining third party cookies from specific sites, or, for mobile, limiting ad tracking or resetting the advertising identifier via the privacy settings on your mobile device.

You can use the following third party tools to decline the collection and use of information for the purpose of serving you interest based advertising:

Who will the data be shared with?

We do not share personal data you have provided to us without your consent, unless:

As per above, we may need to share personal data with our service providers that perform certain tasks on our behalf and who are under our control (our “Service Providers”) in order to provide products or services to you. Unless we tell you differently, our Service Providers do not have any right to use personal data or other information we share with them beyond what is necessary to assist us. You hereby consent to our sharing of personal data with our Service Providers, namely:

Service Name Provider Purpose
Stripe Stripe is a payment service provided by Stripe Payments Ltd. Handling payments

To receive the current list of Service Providers that we use for this purpose, please email at

Do we Collect Data of Minors?

Minors and children under the age of 18 (or other legal age of your country of residence) should not use our Services. If you are 13 years of age up to 18, you need to obtain a written parental or guardian consent, unless the law of the country of your residence prescribes higher age requirements, in which case you need to meet such requirements. We do not knowingly provide any Services to minors. If you access our Services, you represent that you have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement.

Are Data Profiled?

Please be advised that your data will not be subject to profiling, i.e. automated analysis of your data and development of predictions about preferences or future behavior (profiling means, e.g. in the case of marketing profiling, determining which offer you may be most interested in based on your previous choices).

How do we use your Data?

We only use your personal data for the following purposes:

What are your rights?

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we make major changes in the way we collect or use information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on the Website or sending you an email.

Merge of Company

If Davooda merges with, or is acquired by, another company or organization, or sells all or a portion of its assets, your personal data may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser or any prospective purchaser’s adviser and may be among the assets transferred. However, personal data will always remain subject to this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

We retain your personal data primarily within the European Union. We retain your personal data for as long as we need it to fulfil the purposes for which we originally collected it or as needed to provide with the Services, except if required otherwise by law. In some cases, we may determine the period of data retention based on the period we need to access the data for the provision of services, receiving payment, or for any other auditing or legal purposes.

Countries where we process information may have laws that are different, and potentially not as protective, as the laws of your own country, though we will always comply with the applicable laws when we process any information.


If you need any additional information related to the personal data protection or would like to exercise your rights, please contact us at the e-mail address: